In our Sandy Springs office a Healthy Body begins with a #HealthyMouth
Our dentistry is more than just beautiful smiles. Your eyes may be the window to your soul, but your mouth is the gateway to your body. It’s important to your global health. We are oral physicians who know that..
‘people who keep their teeth live an average of ten years longer than people who lose their teeth’ – Charles Mayo, MD, founder of the Mayo Clinic.
As much as 90% of systemic diseases have oral manifestations.[1] And one of the leading causes of teeth loss is due to periodontal disease with 75% (roughly the same number of people who would rather go grocery shopping than floss) of Americans having some form of periodontal gum disease. Periodontal infections have been linked to a host of serious diseases, including heart attacks, strokes, cancer, diabetes, respiratory disease, low-birth weight babies, Alzheimer’s disease, accelerated aging and more. Gum infection and disease is a serious health risk.
Currently, employed adults lose more than 164 million hours of work each year due to oral health problems or dental related visits as a result of their poor oral health regimen. From the global health perspective, a thorough oral examination and cleaning of one’s teeth will have a much more significant impact on your overall health then fixing cavities. And yet, from the patient’s perspective a visit to the dentist is more often only important in times of pain.
As oral physicians, dentists save lives. More than ever before in history, Americans are responding to the importance of eating right, taking dietary supplements, and implementing vigorous exercise regimens to maintain their health and delay aging. However, most are still unaware of the positive health benefits of healthy teeth and the detrimental impact of poor oral hygiene. Generally, an infection anywhere in the body can be serious, if not deadly…and is usually treated immediately. Yet, gum disease is often neglected for years and years because the infection is out of sight, usually persists with no pain and undervalued in general medicine. But this beginning to change and should change.
Once gum disease starts it does not usually reverse itself without specialized treatment. But take comfort in the fact that you are not “too old for good dental care” because the average 65 year old has 17.3 years of life remaining!
How do you know if you have gum disease? Buy maintaining regular daily oral habits and seeing your dentist. If we can be of assistance feel free to contact us.
ZoAnna Scheinfeld, MS, DMD
290 Carpenter Drive, 200A
Atlanta, GA 30328
[1] (AGD, 2002)