

Oral Cancer | Sandy Springs, GA, Dentists

Our doctors can’t tell you with certainty what causes oral cancer. It’s more than likely a combination of genetic predisposition and factors in your environment. Tobacco is the most common factor contributing to oral cancers.  Obviously, smoking cigarettes, cigars or pipes and using chewing tobacco greatly increase your chance of getting oral cancer. Signs and symptoms


The Missing Piece to Your Overall Wellness and Lower Medical Costs New research by insurance giant United Concordia builds on the connection between good oral health and lower medical costs and reduced hospitalizations.  This landmark study was conducted through a partnership between United Concordia Dental and Highmark, examining three years of medical and dental claims for 1.7

Brush and Floss if you want to keep ‘em.

In our Sandy Springs office I am often asked ‘how frequently I should floss’ or ‘is flossing really necessary’?  I am well known for responding, “You should only brush and floss the teeth you want to keep!” Brushing and flossing your teeth are the two most important actions you need to do between visits.  The

Sandy Springs Dental Center

With proper dental examinations we can eliminate problems before they start.  Don't let your dental hygiene and oral health disrupt your lifestyle.  For more information on how the Right Smile Center can help you, visit our website.  We would love to have you as a patient. Please contact us. Novy Scheinfeld, DDS, PC ZoAnna Scheinfeld,

Do you have cancer? Dentist Sandy Springs, GA

Are you being treated? If you are taking medications to treat cancer or receiving chemotherapy or radiation, you may suffer from dry mouth because these treatments may dry up your salivary glands.  Besides being uncomfortable, insufficient saliva increases your chances of having tooth sensitivity, decay and cavities. It’s important to replenish the minerals in you